Day 3

Day started with good vibes despite the weather that promised to come a bit rainy. We exchanged memories in on breakfast table about previous day and karaoke night that where Latvian girls rocked the mic with Bulgarian guy's. Well, mostly.

Soon after last scrambled egg's was finished everyone kicked back for the arrived scouts put us a line and teach us some manners:) Well, not only that. The scouts from Rod BistriSkik Gamsov Kamnik spend with us half of the day and shared with us useful knowledge from practical skills in nature to scout history, to the really beginning. One of our organizer - Primus who is scout by himself give us good basic overview what means to be a scout and what all these colorful sings on the shirt and neck taols means. Many of us was pleasantly surprised to discover how well organized global structure scouts have besides values they carry. With over 41 million active members in at least 216 countries that have have gived 'The Promise of Scouts' under what scouts are like brothers tany other scout around the world

Lunch after scouting was more than tasty that we got rice with chicken. After eating was time to rest and enjoy the free time.

Next activity took place in the nature that we made a trip to the quelle in the near Kamnik. The journey needed to climb and walk through a wonderful forest. Many of us took a lot of pictures and were suprised of the Slovenian beauty. The trip was loved by everyone and we even said it was too short for us ( 3 h long) :)

But we was not dissapointed to come back a bit earlier then we expected as Lihtuanias was prepering us the Lithuanian Cultuar Night. Everyone was pleased with good disches and presentation that our Baltic neigbhors prepered for the E-Nature camp.